Principal's message (10 February, 2023)
It was so wonderful to connect with many of you last night at the Welcome and Information Evening. I appreciate the positive feedback about the style of the evening, and the time spent interacting with one another. Another big thanks to our incredible PTFA for generously providing the nibbles and drinks for networking. Our College highly values relationship and community and we look forward to many more opportunities to connect with one another.
Additionally, I am really proud of our students and how quickly they have settled into the school year and their learning. On Friday last week, we had the privilege of Mr Derek Bartels, an expert on learning, visiting us. Mr Bartels commented on how engaged all of our students were on a late Friday afternoon. He was very encouraging about what is happening at Holy Trinity Lutheran College, but also the ongoing journey of innovation to remain at the forefront of education. In addition, another new staff member shared with me about how our students come to class ready and expecting to learn. We should all celebrate this being an important part of our culture.
On Monday, we held our Opening Service which was a special opportunity for the whole College to come together, worship God and ask Him to bless our year ahead. At this service, our College Captains and House Captains were formally installed.

We also celebrated the achievements of our 2022 Year 12 class. We recognised and congratulated Mr Ryan Brito-Mutunayagam and Mr Ryan Pfitzner as our VCE Duxes for 2022, Mr Joshua Wundke for the Proxime Accessit award and Mr Zac Dufty, recipient of the VCAL Dux Award. We thank God for their contribution to our College community, and pray God’s blessings as their future pathways continue to unfold.
Next week is a really exciting week as we have both our Years 4-6 Swimming Carnival and our Years 7-12 Swimming Carnival. Not only are these days fantastic for our gifted athletes, they build house identity and strengthen relationships.
God bless the remainder of your week!
Mr James Phillips, College Principal