Principal's Message (16 June, 2023)
I pray that Week 8 has been successful for you. Yesterday, our Year 12s participated in the Victorian Certificate of Education General Achievement Test. It was really wonderful to see how our Year 12s maturely approached this. Please continue to pray for our Year 12s as they continue their demanding study schedule and navigate the many other aspects of their lives.
It was also a heart-warming moment as we farewelled the group travelling to Central Australia. We certainly pray this group has safe travel, an enjoyable experience and that it strengthens even stronger relationships with one another.
Last week, the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association met and discussed many exciting events and opportunities due to occur throughout the remainder of this year. I am most grateful for this group of volunteers who are generous with their time, look to enable connection within our community and strengthen our fabulous College community. I would encourage anyone who is interested in contributing to our College to join this group.
Today is our RoboCup, with students in both the Junior and Middle Schools participating. This unique event really promotes STEM and enables the students to engage in rich collaboration, problem-solving and organisation skills.
I have also very much appreciated student voice (agency) within our College. The successful canteen trial in the Junior School, with the view to be whole College in Term 3, was initiated, researched and actioned by the Junior School Student Representative Council. I encourage all students to put forward ideas and suggestions, as these really help us shape our College to be student cantered.

I pray that as you go into the weekend, whether you are full of energy, feeling drained or juggling many responsibilities, God’s love and peace would be experienced by you and your family.
Mr James Phillips, Principal